
                          Dramatic Portrait Retouch Tutorial Photoshop portrait effects step by step -- Step 1 Crop the model from the original background using and selection tool. I used the  Pen Tool (P)  because it’s more precise. Once you created the layer mask and the background is hidden, refine the edges using the  Refine Edge tool . Step2 Open the background image and blur it using any blurring filter. I used the  Gaussian Blur  filter. Blur it like in the image below, until you cannot distinguish the details anymore. Put the model over the new blurred background. Step 3 Create a new layer above the portrait layer and clip it to the portrait. Use the  Spot Healing Brush Tool  to eliminate imperfections not only on the skin. Next create a new layer above the previously created one and clip it to the layer below too. Now use the  Mixer Brush Tool  to soften the skin by brushing over it following the shapes of the skin and the shape of the highlights and